ELRING ® 921.265
Tihend, juhtkorpus
No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Product has been replaced by:
921.266CORTECO ® 12015802
Rõngastihend, klapisäär
No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Product has been replaced by:
49472012PAYEN ® JP079
Tihend, klapikaan
No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Product has been replaced by:
JM7173MAHLE ® 081 HS 19781 025
Väntvõlli laagrite komplekt
No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Product has been replaced by:
081 HS 21990 025SKF ® VKMV 6PK1733
No longer deliverable by the manufacturer
Product has been replaced by:
VKMV 6PK1730